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Code 201 - Read 05

In this file, a summary of Read: 05 - HTML Images; CSS Color & Text will be provided. The read covers multiple chapters from the book HTML & CSS: Design and Build Websites and a blog post.

Table of contents

Chapter Topic
Chapter 5 Images
Chapter 11 Color
Chapter 12 Text

Chapter 5: Images [html]

Adding images to web pages

Images are added to the HTML page using the <img> element. This element has no closing tag, elements with no closing tags are known as an empty elements. The element mainly carries the following attributes:

The source attribute src

It is used to specify the directory of the image, which can be:

The alternative text attribute alt

To provide a text description of the image. This will be helpful if the image was down or for people who can’t see and use screen readers.

The title attribute

Too provide additional information about the image. This title will be displayed when the user hovers over the image.

Final Example:

<img src="" alt=" logo" title=" logo">

Height and width for images

There are two more attributes for specifying the height and width for the images: the height attribute and the width attribute. Both accepts pixel values. CSS also has image size properties that can be used.

Figures and captions

HTML5 allows you to associate figures with their captions.

Figure and figcaption in html5


<img src="" alt=" logo">
<br />
 <figcaption>Fig .1: logo</figcaption>

Image formats

There are many image formats that developers can use. Websites mainly use jpeg, png, and gif images. Using the wrong format might result in the image looking not as sharp as it should be and can make the web page load slower.

Vector images are created by placing points on a grid, and drawing lines between those points. A color can then be added to “fill in” the lines that have been created.

The advantage of creating line drawings in vector format is that you can increase the dimensions of the image without affecting the quality of it.

Chapter 11: Color [css]

The color property is used for specifying the color of text inside an element. The most used ways to assign color values in CSS are:

  1. Color names - There are 147 predefined color names.

  2. RGB values - to express colors in terms of how much red, green and blue are used to make the color up. Formula: rgb(red, green, blue). Each one of these parameters will have a numeric value between 0 and 255. Example: red is rgb(255, 0, 0).

Note RGBA (in CSS3) has an extra value that indicates opacity. This value can be a number between 0.0 (means 0% opacity) and 1.0 (means 100% opacity).

  1. HEX codes - six-digit codes that express the amount of red, green and blue in a color, preceded has # sign. Formula: #RRGGBB. Each color is represented with a hexadecimal value between 00 and ff. Example: red is #ff0000.

Background color

Since HTML elements are treated as if they are in boxes, the background-color property is used to set background color for that box. Any of the mentioned color value assigning methods can be used.

HSL and HSLA colors

CSS3 has introduced the hsl color property for specifying colors. Format: hsl(hue, saturation, lightness):

Note HSLA has an extra value that indicates opacity. This value can be a number between 0.0 (means 0% opacity) and 1.0 (means 100% opacity).

Chapter 12: Text

The properties to control the appearance of text can be split into two groups:

properties that affect the font and its appearance

Font family

The font-family property is used to specify the typeface for element text. The value is the name of the typeface. It is important to point out that browsers will only display the typeface if it was already installed on the user’s computer.

It is preferred to use fonts from the following font families: Serif, Sans-serif and Monospace.

h1 {font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace;}
p {font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;}

Note @font-face can be used if you want to use a font that might not be installed on the user’s computer. This can be done by specifying a path to a copy of the font using src, which will be downloaded if it is not on the user’s machine. Example:

@font-face {
font-family: 'ChunkFiveRegular'; src: url('fonts/chunkfive.eot');}

h1 {
font-family: ChunkFiveRegular, Georgia, serif;}

Font size

The font-size property is used to specify the font size. Text size units are:

The default size of text in browsers is 16px. So a size of 75% would be the equivalent of 12px, and 200% would be 32px.

Font weight

The font-weight property is used to create bold text. It has two commonly used values: normal and bold.

Font style

The font-style property is used to create italic text. It has three commonly used values: normal, italic, and oblique.

Properties that affect the text itself

Text case

The text-transform property is used to change the case of text. The values are: uppercase, lowercase, and capitalize; to capitalize the first letter of each word.

Underline and strike

The text-decoration property is used to specify the following values:

value effect
none to remove any decoration already applied to the text
underline to add a line under the text
overline to adds a line on top of the text
line-through to adds a line through words
blink to animate the text so it flashes on and off


Leading is the vertical space (gap) between lines of text.

The line-height property sets the height of an entire line of text. Increasing the value of line-height makes the vertical gap between lines of text larger.

Letter and word spacing

The letter-spacing and word-spacing properties are used to control the gap between letters/words. The value should be in ems, and it will be added on top of the default value specified by the font.


The text-align property is used to control the alignment of text. The values can be: left, right, center, and justify; which means that all the lines should take up the full width except the last line.

Indenting text

The text-indent property is used to indent the first line of text within an element. The amount you want the line indented by can be specified numerically using pixels or ems. I can also take negative values; so it pushes text off the browser window.

First letter or line

Different values for the first letter or first line of text inside an element can be specified using :first-letter and :first-line. Those are not properties, they are pseudo-elements. Pseudo-elements are specified at the end of the selector, then declare CSS as usual. Example:

p.intro:first-letter {
    font-size: 200%;}
p.intro:first-line {
    font-weight: bold;}

Browsers tend to show links in blue with an underline by default.

There are two pseudo-classes that can be used for styling links:

Those classes are used to control colors of the links and whether they are to appear underlined or not.

Responding to users

There are three pseudo-classes that can be used change the appearance of elements when users interacting with the:

Focus occurs when a browser discovers that you are ready to interact with an element on the page. For example, when your cursor is in a form input ready to accept typing, that element is said to have focus.